about us


rustam is a young woman living in zurich, switzerland. she spends most of her time practicing the cello, for which she takes many improvisation and theory classes. she is also attending english seminars at university. she enjoys good cheeses, particularly american cheddar, crafting with cardboard, and the intricacies of the Finnish language.

shaghdad is a young woman living currently in providence, rhode island, although she calls the boston area her home. she hopes to study interior architecture with a concentration in political science, and is just starting her first year at university after a gap year. she enjoys protesting police brutality, finding the best ramen eateries nearby, late night trips to the pond, and of course, copious amounts of time googling butts.

rustam and shaghdad have known each other since their first day of kindergarten and have remained fast friends ever since. though many circumstances have caused them to live apart since the age of eight, they’ve persevered nonetheless and kept in contact. they’ve now known each other for fifteen years, visited a collective 19 countries and sent hundreds if not thousands of texts, emails, snapchats and letters. when together, they enjoy good food, trips to the art museum, late nights sitting by fountains and deep talks, good music and sunflowers in the subway.